Wednesday, April 9, 2008

The Perfect Shot

Okay, I admit, I am an espresso snob. What would you expect, really? Growing up in the birthplace of Starbucks and all. My kids love it, even BEG me to make them Iced Mocha's. When we go to an ice cream shop, they are the ones asking for the coffee flavored ice cream. So, it goes without saying, being the snob that I am, it was hard for me to get used to making my own espresso. However, after two years, many different blends and grinds, three tampers, numerous tamping pressures, and one great machine, I can now officially say, I can make the perfect shot. It is a glorious day indeed.
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Unknown said...

that is NICE
would you like to come be a barista for us?

amy smith said...

how's the pay? :)

Cassie said...

can i come over?

amy smith said...


Anonymous said...

That's cool...I'm sorry I don't like the taste of it. Blehhhck!

Brandi said...

Oooh, If you love Coffee and want to make a difference in Africa, have you heard of Saint's Coffee? I found it on or from Tom Davis' blog. Every lb you buy feeds an orphan for a month! And, its REALLY good too!

PS Thanks for commenting on one of my blogs! my personal one is

amy smith said...

thanks brandi! I will totally buy some!