Thursday, April 17, 2008

He feels a little hot.

Most of the day Brody was in a bad mood. He has had a cough for a few days, but he is always SO dramatic, I kinda blew him off. Tonight, I said to Emily, "He feels a little hot." She agreed, and I pulled out the battery operated ear thermometer that hasn't been used in about four years. No kidding. I don't take my kid's temperature, really ever. It read 105.6 in one ear, and 105.4 in the other. What? That has to be wrong. So I called Micah over, and checked his. It read 100.4 and 97.9. So, I figure it must be a little off. Check Brody again. Same results. So I did something else I almost never do, I gave him Tylenol - for the first time in his life. He fell asleep in my bed, twitching and moaning and groaning for about a half an hour. I waited until he no longer felt hot, and moved him to his bed. Poor little guy. Uh, yeah, he feels a little hot.


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

And today?
I hope he's feeling better.

amy smith said...

Yes, thank you! No fever, and spunky again.

Anonymous said...

Yikes! That was quite the temperature! I'm so glad it was quickly vanquished and that is feeling himself again! :)