Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Water for Christmas Total....

The total amount of money raised to build wells in Liberia...


Fifty Nine Thousand Dollars.

I don't have any words right now, I am still too close to it to process effectively.
I will later, I am sure. Just not now.

But Fifty Nine Thousand.
Freaking huge.


Brandi said...


Thanks you guys! You made a difference. We already have a team for next year if we can apply to be the FL team!


Unknown said...

Y'all are bad-ass over there. Muscatine Representz! I didn't chime in much during the campaign, but I was blown away by everyone's focus and commitment to pulling together to do something big. Awesome work! I hope you get to visit your first wells soon! I think you guys ought to plan a trip there soon.