Friday, May 2, 2008

potty talk

It's not going well at our house. Brody will not even entertain the idea of using the toilet. No joke. So today I caught myself having a conversation with him, about all the wonderful things about peeing in the toilet. Seriously. What has my daily life been reduced to, that I would have to say things like, "It is SO cool, boys are REALLY special because they don't even have to sit down to pee! They just whip it out, go, and pull their pants up! It is WAY faster than peeing in your diaper, for real, you can even ask Isaiah."


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

And what about girls?!! I thought they were supposed to be *sooo much easier* than boys. I am writing this at the exact same time that Maria is announcing a poop in her panties and pee on the carpet. Ugh.

amy smith said...

How funny Natalie! My daughters were WAY easier than the boys.... but you know the old song... How do we solve a problem like Maria? She has spunk, and creativity, and grace, and can't be rushed on such matters!

Anonymous said...

How old is Brody now anyway??


amy smith said...

ah ha! MORE spunk from another Maria! He will be three on the 19th for those of you who "really" don't know.

steffany said...

Yup. Know the feeling. I have one who straight out tells me. He likes his diapers and he doesn't care how his big brother or dad uses the potty.
And yes he just turned 3. I have a relaxed approach anyway. All mine were using the porcelain object by 4. No biggy.

Anonymous said...

WOW he's 3 already?? Being his COUSIN I should know that!!


P.S.This is not Maria!

amy smith said...

Sorry M. didn't know you read this!

Anonymous said...

Ya - I recently started but I don't think Mom would want me to put my full name so when I comment I will just be M. Gotta go!!
