Wednesday, February 6, 2008

The Big Storm, only half over

I believe some would call this a futile effort.

Snow seems to be more than a foot.

And, just to prove my point, this is the top of the ruler stuck down in the snow. I actually had to clear a spot so you can see the top. It is only eleven in the morning. The snow is not supposed to stop for several more hours. Welcome to Iowa.
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Anonymous said...

Well, Brody and I started off with shoveling, but it soon turned into a snowball fight. He isn't ready to stop, but I'm beat!! I guess I should go back out-he looks so pathetic and lost.......NOT! :) good luck tomorrow-seriously! dg

amy smith said...

thanks donna!

Unknown said...

The news keeps saying we only got 10 inches, but we have way more than that at our house, too! Hope your travels go well tomorrow!!

Anonymous said...

Does anyone know if Amy made it out? hoping! dg

Cassie said...

yes donna, she is in vegas right now!! :) i'm totally jealous...

Anonymous said...

Tks Cassica!! Totally cool! :) dg